Regardless of where you are in the estrangement process, you are hurting. It is important that you take care of your body and mind. Each stage of the estrangement process has an impact on your body and mind. Some of those impacts are unique to the stage you are in and some of them are universal. Having someone walk with you through any of the stages, up to and including reconciliation, can be a good support and help you keep your perspective.


Complete Consultation

If you would like one-on-one, confidential coaching sessions, please sign up at the bottom of this page. There is a waitlist and you will be contacted with some options to reserve a time to consult with Dr. Keli Rugenstein. A consultation usually lasts from 1-3 sessions (one hour each). While each estrangement has its own particular circumstances, the following items are typically a part of the strategy development process:

  • Family Dynamics Assessment

  • Contributing Factors Assessment

    Other parent or family member       
    Mental Health issues
    Substance Abuse issues
    Family Dynamics
    Value Differences
    Factors unique to your situation

  • Review of any correspondence

  • When, If, and How to reach out to the estranged child

  • Development of a strategy to reach out to your child if it is appropriate to do so in your particular circumstances.

  • Identify specific areas that need to be addressed in preparation for reconciliation should it

  • Become an option

  • Contact with your child with an invitation to speak with Dr. Rugenstein about the estrangement.


Prepping for a meeting with your child and their therapist.

This is a one hour consultation designed specifically to prepare you for a meeting with your child and their therapist. It is not uncommon for an estranged parent, especially early in an estrangement, to be invited to participate in a meeting with their estranged child’s therapist. There are some strategic do’s and don’ts that can increase your chances of a successful meeting. To request this coaching, fill in the form below.


Prepping for a meeting that your child has requested.

It is not unusual for an estranged child to ask their parent(s) to meet with them. It may be as simple as, “Can I stop over and talk sometime?” or as formal as making an appointment and choosing a public place to meet. Regardless of the setting, there are some things you can do to prepare yourself for such a meeting. This is a one hour consultation intended to provide you with strategies for a conversation that is productive and that will move you toward a healthier relationship process with your adult child. To request this coaching, fill in the form below. $250.


PEAK Coaching Request

Estrangement Coaching